National Lifeguard - Waterfront

National Lifeguard certification is Canada's professional lifeguard standard and is designed for lifesavers who wish to obtain a responsible job and leadership experience. Successful candidates are certified by the Lifesaving Society - Canada's lifeguarding experts.

National Lifeguard - Waterfront certification is designed to develop the fundamental values, judgment, knowledge, skills and fitness required by waterfront lifeguards. The National Lifeguard Waterfront course emphasizes the lifeguarding skills, principles and practices, and the decision-making processes that will assist the lifeguard to provide effective safety supervision in waterfront environments.

View test items: NL Waterfront - At-a-glance

Prerequisites: Minimum 15 years of age. Bronze Cross certification and Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid (need not be current) or SFA from one of these approved agencies.

First aid prerequisite: When a candidate uses a first aid certification from an approved agency (other than the Lifesaving Society) as a prerequisite, a photocopy of the approved-agency certification card must accompany the Lifesaving Society test sheets. The Society will not issue the National Lifeguard award if this proof of prerequisite is missing. Affiliates are requested to notify National Lifeguard candidates of this requirement in their promotional materials and at registration locations.


Waterfront 291

Instruction and certification: Current National Lifeguard Instructors (who hold National Lifeguard Waterfront) teach and evaluate most items, but only National Lifeguard Examiners (who hold National Lifeguard Waterfront) may certify candidates. The Lifesaving Society deems its certifications to be "current" for 24 months from the certification date.

Candidate recognition: National Lifeguard certification card.

Required reference material: Alert: lifeguarding in action.

National Lifeguard Recertification: To remain "current," National Lifeguards successfully complete a National Lifeguard recertification exam. The only items evaluated on a National Lifeguard recertification examination are marked with a (†) symbol in the At-a-glance list of test items, on the test sheets and in the National Lifeguard Award Guide.